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The Real Estate Agent’s Guide to Social Media Lead Engagement and Generation

In a world where clicks and engagements correspond directly to business success, one truth emerges: real estate agents of today must embrace digital marketing strategies or be left behind. Success in this business is a delicate combination of strategic online advertising mixed with relationship-based, traditional marketing. If you’re looking to dive into social media lead generation and engagement, this whitepaper is for you: we’re here to guide you every step of the way. 

As real estate tech pioneers, LocalizeOS is committed to sharing invaluable insights on harnessing the potential of social media to propel your real estate business to new heights. 

The goal of this guide is to equip you with insights that resonate, ready-to-implement strategies, and the confidence to navigate the ever-evolving terrain of social media marketing. 


The Significance of Social Media for Your Real Estate Business

First impressions have always mattered and social media platforms are often the first point of contact a new lead will have with your brand. Think of your social platforms as your digital storefront. The stoop should be swept, the shelves cleaned, and the floors sparkling.  

Engaging with potential clients through these platforms offers a unique opportunity to establish your brand, showcase your expertise, and foster authentic 1:1 connections. Not to mention that with over 335.7 million users active on Facebook in the US and 168.6 million active on Instagram, the reach is unprecedented. By leveraging the right strategies, real estate professionals can tap into this vast pool of potential clients.

Essential Social Media Channels for Real Estate Professionals

Meta Platforms, Facebook and Instagram, offer some of the most robust targeting options for agents acquiring leads on social media. Here’s why: 

Best Practices For Meta Advertising: 

Keep in mind these five best practices when using Meta for lead acquisition: 

  1. Utilize multimedia formats: vertical video, carousels, and GIFs.  
    • Leverage both listing and lifestyle videos. When possible, videos should include your face to build trust. And don’t forget to write engaging copy! 
  2. Get specific on your target audience. 
    • The more detailed your targeting, the better your focus and ROI, and the more relevant leads you can expect. 
  3. Consistently monitor ad performance. 
    • This is not a “set it and forget it” situation. Make sure you’re keeping track of your ad performance on a consistent basis and optimizing your ad if it’s not performing as expected. 
  4. Maintain a cohesive aesthetic across posts to reinforce your brand identity.
    • Branding matters! Potential buyers will begin to recognize you through consistent elements, colors, and logos in your ads. 
  5. Don’t forget to include a Call-To-Action (CTA) button
    • Encourage the user to take action, whether it’s visiting your website to learn more or contacting you directly. 

The Path to Successful Lead Generation on Facebook and Instagram

Utilizing Paid Media Meta Ads for Client Lead Generation

1. Craft a Compelling Ad

Creating impactful ad campaigns is the foundation of successful lead generation. Begin by identifying your target audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and location.

Meta’s advanced targeting options allow you to narrow down your focus, ensuring that your ads are seen by individuals most likely to be interested in real estate services.

Your ad creative should be visually engaging and optimized for the platform. And, referring above to best practice number one, it should ideally be a video or a carousel ad. If you can’t use video, always aim to incorporate high-quality images of your property listings, accompanied by concise and persuasive ad copy. 

Highlight the unique selling points of each property, addressing potential buyers’ pain points and aspirations. Lastly, don’t forget a compelling call-to-action (CTA) to guide users toward the desired action, whether it’s visiting your agent profile or website, signing up for your newsletter, or scheduling a call.

2. Dynamic Retargeting

Meta’s retargeting capabilities are a game-changer for real estate lead generation. With dynamic retargeting, you can re-engage users who have previously interacted with your ads or website.

This strategy allows you to stay top-of-mind, reminding potential clients of your skillset and of properties they’ve shown interest in. For instance, if a user views a specific property listing on your website, dynamic retargeting can display that same property in their Facebook or Instagram feed, increasing the chances of conversion.

3. Lead Generation Ads

The best part of advertising on Meta as a real estate agent is that it offers specialized lead-generation ad formats designed to capture user information seamlessly. 

Lead generation ads provide a frictionless experience for users by allowing them to express interest or request information without leaving the platform. When users click on your ad, a pre-populated form appears, making it effortless for them to submit their contact details.

To entice users to share their information, agents must offer something of value in exchange. This could be an exclusive e-book home buying guide, a selling guide, a comprehensive neighborhood guide, or pre-market access to unlisted homes. The key is to provide a compelling incentive that aligns with your ideal target audience’s interests and needs.

4. A/B Testing and Optimization

Continual refinement is integral to the success of your campaign. Implement A/B testing to compare different ad elements, such as headlines, visuals, CTAs, and even audience segments. This iterative approach helps you identify what resonates most effectively with your audience and allows you to allocate your budget toward the highest-performing ads.

Regularly monitor the performance of your campaigns using Meta’s robust analytics tools. Analyze metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per lead to gauge the effectiveness of your ads. Adjust your strategies based on these insights to optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

5. Compliance and Ad Policies

The evolving landscape of digital advertising coupled with the rules and regulations around safe housing means it’s essential to stay up-to-date and informed about Meta’s ad policies and guidelines. 

Ensure that your ad content adheres to fair housing policies to avoid any potential issues. Additionally, keep an eye on industry trends and best practices to maintain a competitive edge in your lead generation efforts.

Paid media Meta ads offer a powerful avenue for real estate agents to generate high-quality leads and grow their client base. Embrace the possibilities that paid media Meta ads offer, and watch as your real estate business thrives in the digital age.


The Secret Sauce to Success

Using Technology to Amplify Your Results 

Any agent can get started with paid advertising but few take it to the next step by proactively nurturing and engaging with 100% of the leads that they receive. Leads that come into your database through Meta can be in various stages when it comes to their homebuying timeline. 

As an agent, your time is precious, and spending hours following up with and communicating with leads only to find out they’re years away from transacting is frustrating and defeating. 

If you are planning to invest in online lead generation, LocalizeOS makes it seamless by proactively communicating with new leads at scale, immediately

7 Steps to Lead Generation Success

  1. Once you’ve created your Meta ads and selected your target audience, LocalizeOS plugs directly into your campaign.
  2. Each lead generated through your Meta campaign will be added to your social media account and your LocalizeOS lead dashboard and tagged as a PPC (Pay Per Click) lead. 
  3. LocalizeOS’s AI, named Hunter, immediately begins to engage with your PPC leads in real-time through SMS text, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and takes less than 30 seconds to respond. 
    • Hunter responds in a personalized 1:1 way, recording information on your client’s timeline, dream-home checklist, and budget. 
  4. LocalizeOS pairs a human homebuying advisor (who are all based in the U.S. alongside Hunter to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. Our advisors are there to jump in as soon as a homebuyer requires that extra level of support. 
  5.  Hunter will send personalized listing recommendations and react in real time to the user’s feedback.
    • Price range, amenities, neighborhood, and qualification status are all things Hunter takes into consideration.
  6. While Hunter gets to work, have a dedicated team of U.S.-based home advisors working alongside hunter 
  7. Buyers who are ready and qualified to tour a home they’re interested in are passed along to you—the agent, to take them on showings and close a deal! Those who aren’t ready to transact will continue to be nurtured by Hunter for weeks, months, and even years to come. 

If you’re considering an online lead generation campaign, LocalizeOS can maximize your success and your ROI. 

You, amplified. 

For more information on how we can plug into your existing campaigns and lead generation strategies, visit us here

Embrace the potential of social media, and watch your real estate business flourish.